Risk Halo Wars Risk Reviews

Monday, December 14, 2009

Risk Halo Wars Risk


  • 293 custom plastic playing pieces
  • Custom game board map features arcadia
  • Custom major and minor objectives cards
  • 3 ways to play
  • Assume the role of a leader as you control your army in an effort to defeat your opponents and win the game

Customer Reviews

Solid Risk Fun 5
What can I say that you don't already know or assume. Well, lets start by saying yes, this is risk with halo characters. There are a few different ways to play the game. The game says 3-5 players, but I have played with only 2 (You do have to make up some special rules). You can play teams, Covenant vs Usnc or teams Covenant vs Usnc vs Flood. Or you can play singles with 5 players. There is a ton to do with this game.

Mixed in with the different game types are different rules and game pieces. For example, you can play for achievements, which when unlocked give you bonus powers. (reinforcements, a cannon, extra post reinforcement moves, extra attack dice, extra defend dice, etc) Reinforcement cards are a little different also. Instead of collecting like symbols, you collect skulls which can be turned in, or saved, for up to 30 reinforcements. This game is a lot faster then original risk, but it has its own unique items and charm. The replay value on this game is VERY HIGH!! I recommend this game not only for Halo fans, but to risk fans who want to change up the game a little.

One side note, you will need zip lock bags, as no containers are provided with this set.

Fast, viloent and fun5
I have a group of friends that I play Risk with. We've played just about every Risk special edition to come out the last few years, and I must say this is one of the best we've played. The achievement system makes for short games, which is refreshing.